It’s a beautiful twist on a romantic classic. These roses are unlike any other! Impress the one you love with our Designer’s Choice Roses arrangement. Show them how much you care with an arrangement that’s full of this floral favorite! You’ll have them feeling lovely just like these flowers.
Classic Urn Vase , Leather Leaf, Salal, Myrtle, Misty Blue, Of Hot Pink Roses.
Add a bright pop of color to any occasion with this stunning bouquet! Full of vibrancy and fun, the hot pink roses and lively greenery make for a stunning arrangement. Vibrant Fuchsia Roses is sure to stand out in any room or occasion. Send this striking bouquet today!
Jordan Vase , Leather Leaf, Myrtle, Salal, Misty Blue, Red Roses.
Set their heart ablaze with Burning Red Roses! This classically romantic arrangement serves as a passionate reminder of love. With 12 stems of red roses and complimentary foliage, they’ll remember these roses all too well for years to come.
Show your love with a stunning bouquet of roses that are unlike any other. This extravagant arrangement is designed by our professional florists to make them feel extra special on any occasion! Send our Premium Designer’s Choice Rose arrangement to the person who means the most.
With spirited Stargazer lilies and dynamic red roses, Ardent Expressions is a stellar combo suited for many different occasions. Grand expressions come in all shapes and sizes, and this fiery bouquet is no exception! Send this dazzling arrangement to someone you love.
These roses will light up any room! Our Dozen Yellow Roses arrangement is bursting with light, love, and sunshine. Inspiring and majestic, everyone who sees this sunny bouquet will feel brighter and sunny. It's sure to bring a smile to anyone's face!
Gathering Vase, Foliage: Aspidistra, Dusty Miller, White Hydrangea, White Lilies, White Snapdragons, White Roses.
Relive the feeling of your first love with an arrangement that reminds you of the pureness of the beginnings of love! With white roses, lilies, and snapdragons highlighted with dark green foliage, a pure and dreamy arrangement with little thrills, First Love will bring fresh air to any room.
Gathering Vase, Foliage: Leather Leaf, Hot Pink And White Lilies (Stargazers), Red Roses, Red Mini Carnations, Pink Heather, White Freesia, White Tuberoses.
There's nothing more glamorous than this arrangement! With Stargazer lilies, red roses, red mini carnations, white freesia, and white tuberoses, this glorious arrangement is sure to be the highlight of any day for your sweetheart. They'll appreciate every petal and think of you every time they see it!
Roses from THE FLOWER PATCH in Uvalde, TX always make an impression. You can express your self in a variety of ways from the simple rose bud vase, to an extravagant two dozen. Browse our rose pictures to find the best arrangement of roses for you. If you don't see something you like give THE FLOWER PATCH a call. We can arrange roses in a variety of styles to suit your special occasion, style or color such as: yellow roses, white roses and pink roses. Send your message of love with roses from THE FLOWER PATCH today.